This past Sunday, amidst the stress of midterms, the East and West First-Year Area Councils organized their latest event to bring first year students together for a creative study break. Around noon, students lumbered through chilly weather from all corners of the first-year quad to gather in O’Connor Commons for a guided painting session, complete with delicious snacks and bubble tea.

Last weekend, a group of students — with the support of The Green Room — performed “Lizzie: The Musical.” A rock-musical interpretation of a famous story from the Massachusetts area, “Lizzie: The Musical” is about a woman who was accused of killing her father and his wife with an axe but was found not guilty of the crime at trial.

On the introductory track of Logic’s “Bobby Tarantino II,” Rick, from the popular animated television show “Rick and Morty,” poses a question in response to his grandson Morty’s request to listen to Logic on their spaceship ride: “What Logic are we talking about here? Are we talking mixtape Logic or album Logic?”

Over the weekend of March 24, the Amherst College Democrats arranged for students to attend the March For Our Lives in Washington D.C., joining middle school, high school and college students from around the country in demonstrations calling for gun reform. In what feels like an explosion of student-driven activism, it is worthwhile to turn inwards and reflect on the daily activism that exists alongside these national protests, which occur both in our neighborhoods and on our campus.

Amherst College is known for its open curriculum, which allows students a large amount of freedom in which classes they choose to take.

However, particularly around advising time, the open curriculum can be stressful. It forces us to begin to choose not only our courses for next semester, but also the specific academic paths which will prepare us for our futures.

Radcliffe Bailey is an American artist based in Atlanta, who is especially known for his mixed-media, painting and sculpture work that centers around African-American history. One of his pieces, “Seven Steps East,” is currently on display at the Mead Museum as a part of the “HOUSE” exhibition. Bailey visited campus recently, and The Student had a chance to interview him.

Over the past year, words like “Bitcoin” and “cryptocurrency” have gone from being obscure tech jargon to finding their way into the vernacular. You probably know that Bitcoin is an online form of money, but what actually is it, and how does it work?
Bitcoin is the most well-known of many forms of online money, called “cryptocurrencies.”
