Journalism, The Amherst Student included, deserves criticism. Often times what journalists write is wrong, sensationalized, unfair or incorrectly focused. But while other presidents have complained about the press, President Donald Trump has dangerously changed the role of journalism by not acknowledging the essential role that an independent press plays in our democracy.

Finals are around the corner, and that means that interterm is around the next corner. If you’re anything like me, you spend your interterm pretending to be too cool for your parents (even though you actually really want to hang out with them) and watching TV and movies. So, I thought that I’d give a few recommendations for some good things to watch during interterm.

This routine is not daily, but it is familiar: I realize with a good amount of dread that for the last eight hours, I have had no social interaction with live human beings in my schedule. I’ll reach out to friends and try to set something up, but there will be one snag or another and nothing will end up working out (they’re busy, or not on campus, or they really want to focus on this essay, etc.). So I’ll try to work somewhere other than my room, hoping that just being around other people will be enough to soothe my extrovert cravings for companionship.

The “It’s On Us” campaign was initiated in the fall of 2014 by the Obama administration and the White House Council on Women and Girls to increase awareness of and reduce sexual assault on campuses across America. The announcement was followed by celebrity endorsements, social media campaigns on the importance of consent and individual endorsements by universities.

Warning: This article contains references to racial and sexual violence that some readers may find upsetting.

This week, I’ve decided to try something new. Normally, my column focuses on one issue (and perhaps a small discussion of its broader context). However, as the title suggests, this week I will instead briefly share my opinions (whether positive or negative) on ten things (of varying degrees of importance and relevance). This structure is inspired (read: pretty much stolen) from the brilliant ESPN basketball writer Zach Lowe. I chose it for a few reasons. One; it is a cool, potentially eye-catching style choice.

I remember the first time I saw fall leaves fall. I saw the orange color and immediately thought about the sun. I thought about home; I missed it. Soon, I would be cold, running in the winter of a country so strange to me.

I remember the first time I saw fall leaves fall. It reminded me of how fickle emotions can be. It reminded me of my first rejection. I think I took it well, but now I just hate the word “sure” because it is not an enthusiastic “yes” nor a resounding “no”.
