The Netflix original series “BoJack Horseman” is an animated show created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. The show, one of my favorites at the moment released its third season on Netflix earlier this summer and has been making waves ever since. The series follows an animated horse (voiced by Will Arnett) as he navigates the Birdman-esque woes of a washed up sitcom star. Alongside Arnett, the show features Aaron Paul, Alison Brie, Amy Sedaris and Paul F. Tompkins.

This summer I had the pleasure of discovering the author Karl Ove Knausgaard, a 48-year-old Norwegian who made enormous waves in the literary world for his inimitable six-volume, 3,600-page autobiographical novel titled “My Struggle.” The novel documents Knausgaard’s entire life, from the smallest details of making coffee in the morning, to the overwhelming difficulties of dealing with his father’s death. For fans of Knausgaard who are probably finishing up the series by now, this is old news.

Any artist that makes his fans wait four years in between albums, with multiple false release dates and still has fans must be talented. Or at the very least, must be such an enigma that people will listen either way. Frank Ocean qualifies for both categories.

For those of you who don’t know, Beyoncé, the 20-time Grammy award winning artist and cultural icon, dropped a visual album titled “Lemonade” on Saturday, April 23. For those of you who are aware of the album and haven’t watched it yet — perhaps because you think “Beyoncé is overrated” or you are under the assumption that the album revolves around rumors and infidelity — I urge you to reconsider your hesitation.

“Don’t drop the beet!” Farmer Pete reminded the Women’s Cross Country team, two years ago, as we literally harvested beets on our volunteer day. People near him laughed a little, and smiled, genuinely enjoying an early autumn Sunday morning spent working on the farm. He made more vegetable jokes — I think one including Lady Gaga, and one involving a turnip — but the minutiae are lost on me now.

The sixth season of “Game of Thrones” is the first in the series to not feature content from George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” series and it has dazzled audiences, exciting book readers and show watchers alike with the first two episodes.

Before you read any further, know that this review will be spoiler-heavy. If you are not caught up, I advise you not to read ahead. You will have a more enjoyable watching experience if you are caught up. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Richard Linklater’s “Everybody Wants Some!!” is about a group of college athlete bros attending six parties over the course of three days before classes begin. It is as if the high school students in Linklater’s comedy gold “Dazed and Confused” are now in college, and is probably the best movie I’ve seen in 2016 so far.
