The College Council distributed a survey to students through email regarding the college’s television programming on Wednesday, Sept. 20. Voting will remain open until Oct. 4.
Since 1997, Amherst has provided cable television in dormitories’ common areas. As usage of these televisions declines, the Council is giving students the option of reallocating some or all of the approximately $100,000 spent on cable to other student activities.
The Amherst College Police Department (ACPD) sent an email to the community releasing the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistic Act Report, an annual statement of crime statistics over the past three years on Sept. 18.
An ongoing conversation series, titled “Trump: Point/Counterpoint,” began on Sept. 19 and will continue until Nov. 16. Featuring various guests in discussion on issues relating to the current political climate, the five-part series is hosted by Ilan Stavans, Lewis-Sebring professor of humanities and Latin American and Latino culture, and is funded by alumni William Eisen ’70 and Robert Duboff ’70 in celebration of their approaching 50th reunion.
Amy Coddington is a visiting assistant professor in the music department. She majored in math and music at Macalester College and received her doctorate from the University of Virginia in the Critical and Comparative Studies program.
Following Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ speech on Sept. 7, in which she discussed plans to remove or alter portions of Title IX guidelines, the college’s administration vowed to continue in their efforts to prevent and manage sexual misconduct cases.
The college announced new staff hires over the summer. Some of the most significant additions include Chief Advancement Officer C.J. Menard and several members of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
The college took on new construction projects around campus this summer, including continued construction of the new science center, landscaping to the west of Keefe Campus Center, improvements to Marsh, Plimpton, Moore and Newport dormitories and rearrangement of resource centers in Keefe.