Every Amherst student has something special that got them accepted into this school in the first place. There are any number of things that can help someone get in, from the mundane such as good grades to the extraordinary like being a ballroom dancer. Each Amherst student has some great quality that helped them land here: most students have much more than just one. There is, however, one qualification that plays a major role in admissions that no student has any control over, and that is being a legacy.

I had exactly five tabs open on Google Chrome when I wrote this rant. The first tab was Grooveshark, my main source for finding and listening to music. The second was for my email, which I need to check constantly for class and which basically accounts for half of my contact with the world outside of Amherst. The other half is taken care of by the third tab, Facebook. Facebook functions as my only social life during times when I’m stressed or just too busy to leave my room and face the sunlight.

You can tell a lot about a person by the subsections they divide their time into when asked to sum up their lives. Time spent sleeping versus time spent awake, time spent exercising versus time spent relaxing, time spent thinking about that boy or girl you like versus, well, nothing. But for the typical Amherst student, the distinction that we make is pretty clear. It is study time versus literally everything else we do in our lives. That’s a pretty fair representation of what life here is.