The Netflix original series “BoJack Horseman” is an animated show created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. The show, one of my favorites at the moment released its third season on Netflix earlier this summer and has been making waves ever since. The series follows an animated horse (voiced by Will Arnett) as he navigates the Birdman-esque woes of a washed up sitcom star. Alongside Arnett, the show features Aaron Paul, Alison Brie, Amy Sedaris and Paul F. Tompkins.

Khalil Flemming’s theater and dance thesis was an original comedy called “Equal Weight.”

The inspiration for the title came from a weekly tradition in Mr. Gad’s House of Improv, in which members tell stories for their week. During one session, Will Savino ’14 noted that when Flemming told stories, he gave “equal weight” to each part.

This semester Professor Joshua Guilford — a professor of English and Film and Media Studies — offered a course titled “Film and Video Curation.” The seminar aimed to grant students an opportunity to both think critically about curation and to bring the resulting knowledge into practice. The course was divided into two components, and the first allowed students to attend several screenings, which were discussed in concert with critical and theoretical readings about curatorial practice.

Nov. 11, 2015 marked the launch of Amherst Cinema’s 10th anniversary year series, a year-long collection of screenings and accompanying events in celebration of the nonprofit cinema’s continued existence as Amherst’s film hub. Although the nonprofit entered the community in 2006, the creation is more accurately described as a rebirth. The cinema’s history began much earlier, possessing an array of identities before becoming the Amherst Cinema currently frequented by Five College students and the greater Amherst community members.

Afternoon Men are an up-and-coming rock band based in New York City, whose members include Dan Adler ’14 and Nick Fowler ’15E. I had a chance to speak with the longtime comedians and newfound bandmates about the production of lyrical gold and the journey from a suite in Pond Dormitory to the rock clubs of New York City.

There’s something quite comforting to be found in the caffeinated, jittery sound that is Toronto-based Indie Rock band, Born Ruffians. The band, inspired by groups like Talking Heads and Pixies, has stayed loyal to the under-produced sound that is quintessentially indie. This remains true for their recent 2015 release, “RUFF.” The album sounds charmingly defiant, yet neat when it needs to be.

To accomplish everything that Savannah West has, you must possess an unwavering commitment that influences every decision and action. At Amherst, the community associates her name with confidence and conviction. The political science and art history double major devotes herself whole-heartedly to all that she does, and after a brief interview with her, it’s quite obvious what nourishes that notable determination: her legacy.
