Growing up in Hawaii, Reece Foy says the spirit of aloha was “just ingrained in the culture.”

“It doesn’t just mean hello or goodbye, but it’s also a way of life — it’s a way to perpetuate love. In that sense, you come and show aloha to everyone, no matter where you are or who you are,” he said.

In this environment and culture of love, in which Foy viewed everyone as family, he dedicated himself to sports, focusing mainly on football, baseball and basketball.

A music and computer science double major with a certificate in ethnomusicology, Tomal Hossain ’17 immersed himself in the Amherst music community through his ability to reach people with his art and his personality.

Hossain will spend the next year traveling around the world as a Watson Fellow, exploring the intersections of music and culture.

Before Amherst

Professor, lawyer and activist Dean Spade gave a talk titled “Can We Survive Mainstreaming? On the New Visibilities and Invisibilities of Trans Politics” in the Powerhouse on Thursday, Oct. 13. The talk was open to the public and the Powerhouse was near capacity..

During the hour-long talk, Spade evaluated different reform movements for increasing justice in a time of changing attitudes about queer and trans people and answered questions from the audience.

Spade opened by acknowledging “that we are on stolen land.”

Professor of Political Science Ruxandra Paul received her PhD from Harvard University, where she was also a postdoctoral fellow before coming to Amherst. Her interests include recent international migration patterns, especially in Europe, and the impact of globalization on national borders.

Q: What did you do before coming to Amherst?