Every aspiring musician dreams of playing in front of a screaming crowd. But not every musician has to worry about a member of the crowd screaming because he spilled his juice.

For Ben Gundersheimer, playing to sold-out crowds of kids is just part of a day’s work.

Gundersheimer, known to his fans as Mister G, is a critically acclaimed singer-songwriter. His albums for young children have received Latin Grammy nominations along with impressive recognition from parenting magazines and foundations.

Early Life

Do you remember when Macklemore performed at Amherst for the spring concert a few years ago? You can thank Peter Crane for that. Or have you ever taken an AAS shuttle to Boston, Bradley Airport, or New York before breaks? You can thank Crane for that as well. Were you glad to hear about the creation of the Title IX Policy Committee, too? Yet again, this in part is thanks to Peter Crane.