Since last Thursday we have listened to and have been deeply touched by your testimonies and calls for change. We shall continue to support and actively participate in discussion and actions that promote greater safety and social justice for all Amherst students. And we shall continue to integrate into our classes the multiple and diverse voices that together contribute to the richness of the Francophone world, while we strive to encourage an open, inclusive, and fruitful dialogue outside our classrooms.

Following a four-day sit-in at Frost Library that concluded on Sunday, students have formed committees to discuss ways to address racial discrimination at the college.

The sit-in was originally intended as an hour-long event on Thursday to show solidarity with student protesters at the University of Missouri and Yale. But it ended up becoming a larger protest against racism and discrimination on campus, and students filled Frost Library to speak about their personal experiences with racism.

Students voted in a college-wide poll on Tuesday, Nov. 17 on whether to support removing the Lord Jeff as Amherst’s unofficial mascot. The Association of Amherst Students conducted the poll and will release its results on Thursday.

The poll comes in the wake of an informal straw poll conducted at a special meeting of the faculty on Nov. 16, in which all faculty members present voted in support of removing the Lord Jeff.

Professor Deborah Holoien completed her undergraduate studies at Northwestern University in psychology and Japanese Language and Culture and received her doctorate in psychology from Princeton University.

Former head of the Greek Statistics Office Andreas Georgiou ’83 discussed his experience as the Greek government’s chief statistician and the current criminal charges against him during his speech at Converse Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 11.
