The Campus Challenge Committee held its kickoff meetings on Monday and Tuesday to mark the official beginning of the College’s participation in the 2011-2012 Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge. In May 2011, the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (FSNP) invited college campuses to take up this challenge, designed to increase social cohesion by having groups and individuals work across their differences, while maximizine social capital by having networks of people and groups working together on a common project.

No longer must I worry for my eternal soul. Thank God! I finally found a church service.

Vita Nova, as it is called, is the only church service I know of held inside a bar. There were two or three dozen other cool young people there, all enthusiastic about Christ without pretension. And they have a real rockin’ band for the contemporary hymns we sang. What could be better?