Only the most cold-hearted and quite frankly misguided individuals uniformly support not giving aid to the homeless. Comparatively, there are many people who think the idea of giving money to the homeless is good and that supporting charity efforts to counter inequalities is the culmination of social responsibility to the disadvantaged. I see this sort of charity all the time: if people do interact with the town’s too-large and apparent homeless population, it takes the form of throwing a few coins into a cup.

It is the time of the year that seniors are preparing for their graduation after nearly four years in the College. Every year, seniors face an inherent problem — disposing of their bulky and durable appliances. For their time in College they have purchased fridges, televisions and perhaps bicycles and game consoles; there have been sporadic jumbo sales on campus yet there has not been a systematic and centralized way for them to come together to sell off their appliances before they leave campus.

I still remember the day that I received Angie Epifano’s powerful piece. I was watching Project Runway, and I decided to check my email during the commercials. I read the piece three times before I called my mother and told her about it, and that I was going to run it. “Can you get in trouble because of it? Can they expel you or take your financial aid away?” she asked. I hadn’t really thought about it until then. The way I saw it, it didn’t really matter. Journalism is about exposing the truth. It’s about making a difference and creating change and starting dialogue.

Despite recent rumors, the administration will not impose a campus-wide prohibition on alcohol during next school year’s Student Orientation. The Orientation Committee, which consists of students, faculty and administration, determined that student Orientation leaders (Squad leaders, CEOT leaders, and FOOT leaders) will have to sign a clause in their contracts that stipulates that they must refrain from the use of alcohol and drugs during the orientation period, according to Interim Dean of Student Conduct Susie Mitton Shannon.

A school year has almost passed us. Ask anyone to summarize the collective experience of students this year and they will place the unfolding of much public drama at the center of it. Pleasant memories dot our individual recollections, but painful ones sit squarely within those memories shared by most all of us.

Two weeks ago, President Biddy Martin announced plans to turn the Power House, a brick building on the College’s southeast side that once provided power to the campus, into a space on campus for student activities.

On Friday April 25, dozens of students gathered in front of Converse Hall to demand more severe sanctions for students found responsible for sexual assault at the College, holding signs with messages like “0.00% of rapists have been kicked out of Amherst in the last 20 years” and “Is Laptop Theft Worse Than Rape? Amherst Says Yes,” arguing that despite the progress of the past six months the College still has a long way to go.
