When many people think of the gay community, they picture wild raves and drunken sex. These images come at the expense of any sort of family life, especially one involving children. The reality lies somewhere in between. Just as some straight people don’t want families, some gay people don’t want children. However, many do. I consider myself to be in that group — I love children, I babysit at every opportunity and I make an utter fool of myself when there are small children in Val.

Amherst College’s Mead Art Museum is home to over 18,000 objects, from American and European paintings to Mexican ceramics, from Tibetan scroll paintings to West African sculpture. However, one of these objects has been missing for just over 39 years.

Now, the Mead is working with the FBI to recover a painting that was stolen on Feb. 8, 1975.

Although this year’s room draw will bring few changes, bigger plans to rethink residential life at the College are underway, members of the Dean of Students Office and Strategic Planning Committees said this week.

The Red Room reached full capacity last night as the faculty turned up in full force for their second meeting of the spring semester.

Amherst College hosted the second annual First Generation College Student Summit on March 1. A total of 125 students and several faculty members from 23 different college campuses came to attend the event and discuss the issues first generation college students face.

The event was created by Class Action, a non-profit organization based in Boston and founded in Hadley that, according to its website, aims to “explore class-consciousness and dismantle classism, with a particular focus on the intersections between class and race.”

Judy Yoo is a senior double majoring in Art History and Asian Languages and Civilizations. Her senior thesis focuses on the work of Japanese architect Ando Tadao. Her thesis advisor is Professor of the History of Art and Asian Languages and Civilizations Samuel Morse.

Q: What is your thesis about?
A: My thesis is on Ando Tadao, a contemporary Japanese architect. It examines Ando Tadao, but it also takes into consideration Japan’s modern architectural profession and its historical development because it seeks to understand how Ando has progressed in his profession.

In the past couple of days, students have received emails from the Office of Residential Life about room draw. Room Draw can be extremely stressful; after all, the placement of one’s room draw group on the room draw list might determine a significant portion of the quality of one’s social experience at the College for the entire next year. This is to a large extent unavoidable.
