Boy sees girl in a parking lot. Boy falls in love with girl and says, “I’ve seen you around. What’s your name?” Girl falls in love with boy. They begin to spend every day together, getting high and making love. They’re finding themselves in each other; their intimacy is becoming all there is to the universe.

I am terrible at hellos. Even with my friends, I sometimes hesitate to say hi out loud. It wouldn’t even be that embarrassing if they didn’t hear me, but I still usually give this kind of weird big-eyed, teeth-gritting smile. I have a love-hate relationship with those ridiculous conversations, analyzing these interactions with acquaintances, thinking, “I said hi, but do they even remember me? Now I seem creepy” or “I just should’ve said hi, now I seem rude, but we, like, barely made eye contact.” I often think that texting or messaging exacerbates these pretty stupid concerns.

s there a reason why we waste time? We are all familiar with the phrase “You should be doing something useful with your life!” While studying in Keefe Science Library, I often stop my work and watch an episode of “How I Met Your Mother” or just a few YouTube videos. Sure, I get my work done, but I do wander. As travelers in search of signification, we tend to some studies and readings as more momentous; indeed, anything now and then seems more interesting than that chapter of chemistry reading!

Amherst College has recently lost a vital member of the community, Peter “Pete” Batura. Pete was an important figure in Charles Pratt Dormitory, acting as a custodian, father figure, mentor and, most importantly, a friend. If you have ever seen his smiling face, then you know how warm of individual he was. Peter was first and foremost a family man, always raving about his two daughters. He was always a pillar of support for us residents of Charles Pratt and helped us place our issues into perspective.

Dialogue has long been hailed as the solution to most, if not all, of our problems. Our society looks down on the war-monger and hails the diplomat. In short, we have become a world of talkers. It is all the more shocking, then, to see that dialogue doesn’t always succeed. Channels of communication often break down and diplomatic relationships deteriorate. Even in our communities, when we try to use dialogue as a tool for social change, success is not guaranteed. If dialogue really is the golden goose, why do we still have so many problems despite finding ourselves talking so much?

It’s a widely held opinion on campus that theme houses work. Out of the various articles and focus groups recently devoted to loneliness, students have worried about their place in the overarching community, the lack of tradition, and the athlete/non-athlete divide. Almost universally, however, it seems that students find their place in the smaller communities of theme houses. Especially for sophomores who want singles with a good community, these houses are a godsend.

The Amherst Symphony Orchestra and the Amherst College Choral Society performed a joint rendition of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor, K.427 in Buckley Concert Hall on Saturday, March 7. The concert featured the Glee Club, Women’s Chorus, the Concert Choir, and the Amherst Symphony Orchestra. Mark Lane Swanson conducted, and six guest vocal soloists from the UMass vocal program were also present.

The evening was noteworthy both for the number of organizations and people involved and for the difficulty of the piece itself.
