As the College gears up for one of its largest construction projects in decades, the future of preschool Amherst Day School, affectionately known as the Little Red Schoolhouse, is in question. After College officials informed the Little Red Schoolhouse, located in the heart of the Social Quad, that it would have to close and vacate the premises by June 30, 2012, the Schoolhouse and members of the Amherst community have rallied together to petition the College about extending its future.

Ben Colon ’12
Major: Theatre and Dance
Thesis Advisor: Connie Congdon

Tell me about your thesis.
My thesis is a two-part playwriting thesis. The first part consists of writing a play [“The Freedman’s Son,” which was staged in November] and the second part consists of writing about the writing process. I’m working on the second part right now.

Physics Professor David Hanneke graduated with a Bachelors of Science from Case Western Reserve Univ. He received his Masters of Arts and Ph.D. from Harvard University.

This Saturday, Jan. 28, the College Career Center will be hosting a free administration of the Bloomberg Institute’s Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT). The three hour long exam is designed by educational consultants working with the Bloomberg Institute to evaluate the aptitude of individuals wishing to pursue careers in finance or consulting.

The College recently held the fourth annual Gerald R. Fink ’62 Bioscience Symposium. Over 150 students registered for the event, which is the largest registration the symposium has received thus far. The subject of the symposium, proposed by Dr. Fink himself was “The Value of Taking Risks Early in a Career.” The Class of ‘62 sponsored the event.
“It is extremely gratifying since this symposium lands on our 50th reunion year,” said George Carmany ’62. Carmany is one of the founders and organizers of the symposium.

As College administrators celebrated the re-opening of the recently renovated Lord Jeffery Inn on Jan. 5, 2012, a rather important milestone in the College’s quest to be more environmentally sustainable went unnoticed by many of those in attendance.

Residents of Charles Drew House held the college’s first ever Charles Drew Day on Thursday, Dec. 4 to honor Charles Drew ’26, an alumnus who is notable for being a black member and pioneer of the medical profession.

“Charles Drew Day is meant to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Dr. Charles Drew in the face of adversity. We hope to spread awareness of his life’s mission, how it relates to Charles Drew House, and why his life matters to us today,” said Bessie Birhanu ’17, Resident Counselor of Drew House.
