In an effort to gather student opinions on social life, the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) sent out a survey to students on March 16, and they had until April 2 to finish it.
Aimed at understanding students’ level of satisfaction with the current social life on campus, the short questionnaire allowed students to describe their ideal social experience.
In the past, the Office of Student Affairs has sought out students’ opinions on their social experience at the school in more public settings.
The AAS will have elections on April 6 for next year’s Executive Board. Amherst students will receive an email on April 6 with the link to cast votes. The following candidates will be on the ballot for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and judiciary council chair.
Raheem Jackson ’17 is a black studies and sociology double major. His thesis examines black masculinity, specifically in female-headed households. His advisers are Professors of Black Studies John Drabinski and Rhonda Cobham-Sander.
President Biddy Martin and Association of Amherst Student (AAS) President Karen Blake ’17 addressed an audience of faculty and students at the college’s first State of the College Address on Wednesday, March 28 in Johnson Chapel.
The event was planned and created by AAS Senator Sade Green ’20 as apart of her senate project, a requirement that each AAS Senator create an initiative to benefit the student body.
Wake Forest University professor and former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry presented a talk titled “Race, Gender and the Politics of Knowledge: Campus, Community, Congress” in Johnson Chapel on Monday, March 26.
Cornell Williams Brooks, president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), spoke to members of the college community in Johnson Chapel on Friday, March 24.
In his talk, titled “A Woke Democracy,” Brooks discussed contemporary challenges that marginalized groups faced and the need for a multigenerational social justice movement. The event was free and open to the public, and Brooks’ talk was followed by a brief Q&A session.
"Decolonize Val," a student-led sit-in aiming to break down what organizers called the “toxic culture” of the back room in Valentine Dining Hall, took place during the evenings last week from March 27-31.