Q: What is your thesis about?
This semester the counseling center plans to create an advisory board comprised of students that will serve as a liaison between the center and the student body.
Jacqueline Alvarez, director of the counseling center, said she decided to create the board because she wanted to work with a group of students who were representative of the student body as a whole. The students will in turn represent the counseling center to the rest of the student community and will be responsible for collecting and providing feedback on the counseling center’s services.
Sixty-four percent of the student body voted on Oct. 5 in favor of holding a trial period for social clubs this spring semester.
Members of the Social Project Work Group, the organization responsible for writing the proposal, said the vote was intended to gauge student opinion of the proposal, but the results do not mean that Amherst is required to create social clubs.
Mariana Cruz resigned from her position as interim chief diversity officer and director of the Multicultural Resource Center on Tuesday, Oct. 6. President Biddy Martin announced Cruz’s resignation in a campus-wide email.
Martin held an open meeting in the Multicultural Resource Center that evening to discuss the process of finding a replacement for Cruz and adding administrative support to the center in the interim period.
Amherst has joined 80 other colleges and universities in implementing an alternative college application program, the Coalition Application, in its admissions process. The new service will become available to applicants in July 2016.
Naomi Klein, the author of “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate,” addressed the Amherst community at the annual DeMott Lecture on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Her book was this year’s required reading for incoming first-year and transfer students. After the event, Divest Amherst held a rally to urge the college’s board of trustees to divest from all fossil fuel industries.
Political activist, lawyer and longtime presidential candidate Ralph Nader spoke in Stirn Auditorium on Tuesday, Oct. 6. Nader urged students to become politically engaged and argued that small groups of committed citizens can bring about change. The Amherst Political Union hosted the event.