Matt Fernald '13 writes regarding Keefe Campus Center space re-allocation and the AAS poll sent to students on Wednesday, November 27.
A lot has been discussed regarding the results of last week's AAS poll. Here's my take:
At 4:46 on Sunday, I received an e-mail stating that somebody had written the n-word in the snow on a car outside of the Lord Jeff Inn. At 5:31 and 6:30 that same day, I received e-mails about student-organized meetings to discuss this incident. The message seemed to be, “We will do whatever it takes to fight this hatred.” I was glad to see the strong student reaction to this. Complacency is unproductive, and I am proud that as a student body we have fought against the so-called “Amherst Apathy.”
I’m appalled but not surprised that Amherst students would vote “No” on making the Multicultural Resource Center more visible on campus. Appalled because the MRC was founded because of a large push made by the students, which initially lacked administrative support. Now that the MRC finally has administrative support, it has lost its allegiance from current Amherst students. Before I go further, let me be clear that this article is my opinion and does not necessarily reflect upon the MRC’s.
Steve Kramer '75 writes concerning the debate surrounding sexual assault at Amherst College.
Ah… winter break. The perfect time to sleep, eat, watch TV, and of course, work on your resumes and cover letters for the upcoming year. Whether you’re at home, on campus or traveling, here are some suggestions to keep you on track with your professional development while still having a good time.
Last night, the College held an an open meeting to discuss proposed changes to Keefe Campus Center, including the relocation of the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) and Women’s Center to more prominent locations in the building and the moving of the Game Room to the second floor. Today, students will vote in a non-binding poll to support or oppose the proposed changes. Last night’s meeting was the first time some students gave input on the move; today’s poll may be the last say of the student body on the matter.
Amherst College is a small community, so I am sure that many of my fellow classmates already know that I left Amherst to join the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). I am sharing my experiences with you from this past week to illustrate two things to the Amherst community: why I took a leave of absence to serve in the Israeli Army and why Israel deserves an apology from her many critics on and off of our campus.