On Dec. 6, 2012, scholars, students and tribal community members from across the country gathered in Cole Assembly Room for a day-long symposium to honor William Apess, a 19th-century Pequot preacher, activist and intellectual. Despite the silent, heavy presence of Jeffrey Amherst’s legacy, Native individuals and their non-Native colleagues and allies joined together to lighten that burden and celebrate Apess’s courage and eloquence in the face of adversity.
Writers' note: This FAQ was written by a group of students in favor of the MRC relocation and knowledgeable about the planned move.These students include Larissa Davis '13, Alexa Hetwerr '13, Roshard Bryant '13, Shayona Cato '13, Adrianna Turner '14, Josh Greer '14 and Kamaria Laing '16, among numerous others.
Dear President Martin, Dean Boykin-East, Dean Fatemi, and AAS President Tania Dias,
I hope this letter reaches you well. Briana Hanny and I are writing on behalf of a number of students on campus who met after the Tuesday (11/27) meeting to discussed the proposed moves for the Women’s Center and Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) in Keefe Campus Center. This letter, however, is specifically in regards to the referendum issued by the Amherst Association of Students to the general student body on Wednesday (11/28).
Dear Students,
I am writing to you as President of the Student Body. I hope this message finds you well.
Last Wednesday (11/28) the AAS sent out a non-binding poll soliciting student opinion on the Keefe Campus Center proposal. The poll asked if students were in favor of the proposed plan, and whether students supported the re-location of the game room (to the second floor) to make space for the MRC on the 1st floor.
Ah… winter break. The perfect time to sleep, eat, watch TV and of course, work on your resumes and cover letters for the upcoming year. Whether you’re at home, on campus or traveling, here are some suggestions to keep you on track with your professional development while still having a good time.
1. Take a self-assessment. Know what your personality type is? Want to know what jobs best suit your personality? Contact the Career Center to gain access to “Do What You Are,” a professional self-assessment to better tailor your academic and professional goals.
Given that the move and improvement of the MRC and the Women’s Center takes place in the larger context of Keefe spatial allocation, we should discuss Keefe’s long-term improvement.
On Wednesday, Nov. 14, when the war in Gaza started, I became a wreck. I had no way of contacting my family, so my only solace was to check the list of the dead online almost every five minutes and stay tense until the cease-fire was announced. My name is Caroline Katba, and I am the only Palestinian at Amherst College who grew up in Gaza. Growing up in the Gaza strip is no fun ride; it is emotionally and mentally exhausting. Nevertheless, I am immensely grateful to all the experiences that I have had, because they helped shape me, and my perspective of the world.