The Amherst Association of Students Senate voted on Feb. 16 to reject an amendment proposed by the Amherst College Republicans that would expand the Budgetary Committee’s non-discrimination clause.

The motion was proposed to the AAS as a means of preventing what some described as discriminatory voting by senators in allocating funding for organizations.

“The proposed amendment takes the language directly from the Amherst Honor Code,” said Robert Lucido ’15, president of the Amherst College Republicans, who proposed the amendment.

A student club recently received funding from the President’s Office to construct a self-sustaining, soil-free greenhouse by Valentine Dining Hall. The club, Hooked on Aquaponics, is co-founded by Pete Suechting ‘15, Jim Hall ’15 and Thais Correia ‘16.

Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is the farming of aquatic animals, with hydroponics, a technique for growing plants without soil. The fundamental process behind aquaponics farming lies in repurposing fish waste into plant food.

A panel of experts examined how a carbon fee and rebate system could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen Massachusetts’ economy on Thursday, Nov. 20 in Johnson Chapel.

The panel’s objective was to hold the oil industry responsible for pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consider taxing carbon emissions at the state level.

A committee of students recently introduced an initiative to create new social clubs on campus. The committee plans to propose the initiative to the administration and hopes to launch the new social club system next semester.

“[The social club] is solely for people to come together and socialize — to have a place for those who want access to a consistent group of people they can hang out with as oppose to coming together to get a specific objective done,” said Association of Amherst Students President Tomi Williams ’16, one of the students spearheading this initiative.

The Association of Amherst Students announced this week that a new round of presidential elections will take place on Thursday, Sept. 25.

Marisa Dolmatch ’15, a European studies major, is writing her senior thesis on current anti-Semitic sentiments in France. She is studying whether reactions and responses to today’s anti-Semitism are influenced by the memory of the Nazi occupation of France in World War II. Her adviser is Professor of French and European Studies, Ronald C. Rosbottom.

Several hundred people gathered in the Powerhouse on Saturday, Dec. 6 for La Causa’s 17th annual Voices for the Voiceless spoken word event, New England’s largest spoken word concert.

Nationally recognized speakers such as Slam Champions, White House Champions of Change awardees, HBO Def Poetry speakers and Sonia Sanchez, the college’s own first female African American professor, were among the list of seven performers at the concert.