Rose Larios ’12
Major: Biology
Thesis Advisor: Ethan Temeles

What’s your thesis about?

“Amherst is exceptional at fostering an interest among the student body in pursuing such an unusual post-graduate experience,” says the Watson Foundation, which grants a year-long fellowship for independent study and travel outside the United States to graduating college seniors.

Keri Lambert ’13 was recently named to the Beinecke Scholarship Program.

The program strives to provide substantial scholarships for promising student’s graduate education. The program rewards each winner $4,000 immediately before they enter graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school.
Lambert plans to use the scholarship to study environmental history at the graduate level.

“I am mostly interested in environmental history in Africa, especially West Africa,” Lambert said.

The possibly racially-motivated killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an African-American, by 28-year-old George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic neighborhood-watch volunteer, sparked outrage around the nation and student response at the College and its fellow Five-College institutions.

When you step into the online voting booth this week to choose your next AAS president, you should ultimately keep your own counsel and listen to your own advice. You know the candidates better than any alum, even an alum like me who knows the two principal contenders. However, choosing a president for the AAS isn’t something to do own your own. It’s much too important for that. There’s appropriate room for advice from people you trust.

This Monday, the AAS Elections Committee hosted Speech Night for Executive Board hopefuls running in the elections this Thursday. Candidates for all the top positions on student government outlined their platforms: five of those speakers will guide and shape the direction the Senate will take over the next academic year.
