Keri Lambert is an amazingly talented person, and don’t let her convince you otherwise. An All-American runner who is currently the national champion in the 3,000-meter steeplechase, Lambert has managed to excel in both her athletics and academics, graduating a History major with a focus in African environmental history. With an inexhaustible curiosity, a love for inspirational quotes and a propensity for pranks, Lambert is situated to gracefully and quietly take over the world, which can only be a good thing for the rest of us.

Born to Run

“From those to whom much is given, much will be expected.”

Before Joe Taff got a haircut last summer, one could easily have confused him with a certain religious figure. To be fair, he has probably heard that joke a few too many times, but, if you’ve ever witnessed his guitar chops firsthand, you know the comparison is more than appropriate.

I first heard about Jisoo Lee during a Tuesday evening editors’ meeting for The Indicator: we were brainstorming articles, and one proposed topic needed a particularly capable and discerning voice. The immediate chorus was, “Let’s ask Jisoo.”
If you have had the privilege of taking a class with Lee, and encountered her insightful comments and discreet, empathetic ear, you likely would agree that her presence in the classroom clearly aligns with a talent and passion for journalism.

A rug doctor who loses his shadow, a scientist who discovers that the sky contains a hidden message in Braille, a philosopher who chokes to death on a premise of his own argument. These are just some of the curious and fascinating characters to emerge from the rarefied heights of Lindsay Stern’s imagination.

I wonder how to begin a profile on Alejandro Sucre, one of the twin, 6’5” Venezuelan demigods you’ve surely seen somewhere on campus, without sounding cheesy or like the starry-eyed superfan that, admittedly, I totally am.

Earlier this afternoon, President Biddy Martin emailed the College community, announcing that the administration and Board of Trustees have decided to halt the College’s current science center construction, and move it from the anticipated Merrill site to an alternative location.

According to President Martin, the decision was reached after extensive debate after Facilities staff announced to her a month ago that there was an accumulation of issues with the plans; they recommended not going forward with the current plan.
