Q: What is your thesis about?
A: I am studying the causes and effects of parasites, specifically blowfly larvae, on nestling birds. My three major objectives are to see the nest characteristics that predispose nests to parasites, the effects blowflies have on growth and development of birds, and whether blowflies stimulate an immune response from birds. I spent a couple months this summer in the College’s bird sanctuary with my adviser, professor Clotfelter, and two SURF (Science Undergraduate Research Fellows) students, Tiffany Lee ’16 and Lindsey Bechen ’16.

The Office of Student Affairs announced on Sept. 11 that another student has been expelled from the college for committing sexual assault. This marks the second expulsion for sexual assault since the introduction of a new sexual misconduct policy in spring 2013. Administrators say that the college is taking new steps this academic year to increase transparency of Title IX policies, make the complaint process more accessible and educate the student body about their Title IX rights.

After introducing a new party policy as a pilot program last semester, the Office of Student Affairs says it plans to keep the new policy in place for the foreseeable future.

In the wake of controversies surrounding last spring’s presidential elections, a group of Amherst senators is reviewing the Association of Amherst Students constitution and attempting to clarify its gray areas.

Amherst welcomed Dean Gendron, the college’s new assistant dean and Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards, to campus this Monday.

“I’m here to assist students in maximizing community assets and to help young, emerging adults really grow through their interpersonal conflicts into people who are negotiating smartly, reasonably and fairly,” Gendron said.

This year Amherst College has expanded its Case Management Team, a division of the Office of Student Affairs that provides care to students who require support for non-academic matters.

Last year Associate Dean of Students Scott Howard was Amherst’s sole case manager. This year, Howard will be joined on the Case Management team by former Director of Residential Life Torin Moore and former Residential Life Area Coordinator Andy Tew.
